fabrice monteiro
Photographer Fabrice Monteiro has teamed up with costume designer Doulsy to create a photo series with a strong message. Capturing haunting pictures of the world's diminishing environmental state, the series, titled "The Prophecy," highlights global concerns from ocean waste to careless consumer culture.
fabrice monteiro
The series was shot in the capital of Senegal, Dakar, but its narrative is built on ancient Greek mythology and the story of Gaia -- known as the "goddess of the Earth." According to Monteiro, Gaia is "exhausted by her incapacity to maintain the natural cycles of the planet," so she sends spiritual forces known as "djinns" to earth as her representatives. These "djinns" take on human form and communicate her message of environmental concern to mankind.
fabrice monteiro
The nine images in the series represent the nine unique messages of each "djinn." This "djinn", draped in a gown of tangled and polluted fishing nets, communicates its concern over careless fishing tactics, and features a gown made of fishing nets.
fabrice monteiro
Of all the issues represented in the series, Monteiro highlights the use of plastic bags as one of the most problematic. He describes the use and disposal of these bags as "anarchic," but also points out that it should be one of the easiest issues to tackle: "Political decisions have been made in numerous countries to forbid the production, importation and use of plastic bags. In one year the difference in the landscape of these countries is remarkable."
fabrice monteiro
Monteiro uses powerful visuals and a strong narrative treatment as a means to "speak to the heart" of his viewer.
fabrice monteiro
Global warming and flooding problems was another issue that the duo tackled throughout this two-year project.
fabrice monteiro
Since "The Prophecy" was unveiled, the series has prompted an immediate positive environmental response in Dakar. According to Monteiro: "The slaughterhouse of Dakar was previously dumping waste directly in to the ocean, but has stopped that practice since the release of this picture."
fabrice monteiro
Monteiro and Doulsy have also teamed up with peer-topeer funding platform ecofund to host debates on how to best tackle the issues projected in the series, such as chemical waste disposal in our oceans and the impact this has on marine life.
fabrice monteiro
The series challenges mankind's abuse of natural resources as well as society's indifference to more sustainable ways of living. The model's headdress points to solar energy solutions.

Story highlights

Photographer Fabrice Monteiro has teamed up with stylist Dously to create a series of haunting images that tackle environmental issues

The photos were shot in Dakar, Senegal

CNN  — 

An exhausted spirit-like creature, emerging from the depths of the ocean, is weighed down by the tons of decay and waste that make up her long gown.

This is just one of 9 photos that appear in “The Prophecy,” a haunting photo series created by Belgian-Beninese photographer Fabrice Monteiro and a Senegalese stylist known as Doulsy.

In the series, trash is turned into garments of haute couture. Monteiro explains that he used the story of the ancient Greek goddess Gaia to construct his narrative. Each model is one of Gaia’s children, embodying nine of her concerns:

“Gaia, the mother earth, (is) exhausted by her incapacity to maintain the natural cycles of the planet in front of new modes of life and consumption. She resolves to send her djinns (children), to let them appear to the humans and deliver a message of warning and empowerment.”

Using this story as a starting point, Monteiro and Doulsy tackled modern day issues such as ocean waste, global warming and careless consumer culture in the photos.

Creative collaboration

fabrice monteiro
The costumes turn garbage into gowns. This dress is made of fishing nets.

The series took two years to complete: “The collaboration with Doulsy was remarkable on this project. I would come up with the concept and we would associate our respective vision to create the costumes. Tar, sand, fishing nets, fish scales, tree bark, every costume material had to refer to the specific issue.”

Once the materials were found, the next step was the shoot itself: “Everything in the accomplishment of this series has been a challenge. From the creation of the costumes to gaining access to certain sites. Each image also had to be done at a certain time of the year – from flood season, to slash and burn season, to charcoal season.”

Art as conversation

fabrice monteiro
An image from Monteiro's "Marrons" series

Monteiro believes he is both a photo journalist and a fashion photographer, and has previously used the art of photography to tackle social issues like genocide and slavery.

One of his first projects was “Marrons,” which focused on slavery in his hometown, in Ouidah, Benin. He recently documented the Baye Fall, a small Muslim community found in Senegal, who are often confused for Rastafarians.

Monteiro believes that art is one of the most effective means of expressing concern and hopes that his newest work with “The Prophecy” will help spark important discussions.

“When it comes to speaking about environmental issues, either you get alarming numbers and statistics or pictures of devastated landscape. But with projects like “The Prophecy,” you can speak to the hearts of people by mixing facts and art. Giving this issue a mystical element helps with awareness, and pushes people to change – and change now.”