Asif Salman
In the low-lying river deltas of Bangladesh, annual monsoons and tidal swells leave millions of people vulnerable to flooding. To help them, Dhaka-based architect Marina Tabassum has created a two-story "tiny home," called Khudi Bari, which is light and portable. It's the latest of the award-winning architect's projects -- look through the gallery to see more of her stunning work.
Sandro Di Carlo Darsa
Tabassum established her eponymous architecture firm in 2005, and her first commission was the Bait Ur Rouf Mosque (pictured), which she said has a "special place in her heart," as it was commissioned by Tabassum's grandmother, Sufia Khatun. Khatun was given 20 acres of land as part of a resettlement initiative after she fled India in 1947 with her family, and in 2006, wanted to give back to the community.
Hasan Saifuddin Chandan
While distinctly modern in its minimalist style and form, the mosque uses terracotta brick as its principal material, drawing on a centuries-old Bengali architectural tradition. Using natural ventilation such as skylights and gaps in the brick walls to keep cool in the sweltering summer months, the mosque was recognized internationally for its innovative design and won the Aga Khan Award in 2016.
Sandro Di Carlo Darsa
Steering clear of typical mosque design features, such as domes and minarets, Tabassum instead uses light as ornamentation in the Bait Ur Rouf Mosque: a constellation of holes in the ceiling creates an invisible chandelier, casting a kaleidoscope of light across the floor from April to September.
Asif Salman
With its red brick exterior, the Alfadanga Mosque bears many similarities to the Bait Ur Rouf Mosque. Situated next to a 250-year-old home in Faridpur district, around 90 kilometers (56 miles) west of Dhaka, the mosque was designed to blend into its historic surroundings.
Asif Salman
Light plays an important role in the prayer halls of the Alfadanga Mosque, again acting as decoration in an otherwise simple interior. The mosque was commissioned by owners of the neighboring Maulovi Bari home, which has been in their family for generations. Renovations to restore the house began in 2018, and construction on the mosque began in 2021.
City Syntax
This 12-story residential building, called Comfort Reverie, was designed in 2006 and completed in 2011. Located in Banani, on the main road in Dhaka's bustling business district, the building's brick facade has a timeless look, while the angular "fins" create a modernist aesthetic.
City Syntax
The fins are more than just decorative -- these openings face east and west, and are designed to channel air, as well as offer shade against the scorching summer sun. "I always focus on passive climate control," said Tabassum. "A building should not depend on artificial means of climate control. It should not be too dependent on technology -- it should be able to operate on its own."
Asif Salman
Designed in collaboration with her former business partner and fellow award-winning architect Kashef Mahboob Chowdhury, the Museum of Independence and Independence Monument sits in the grounds of a former Mogul-era garden, turned colonial horse racing track, and then, a political meeting ground in the 1970s. The design was part of a national competition, which Tabassum and Chowdhury's firm, URBANA, won in 1997, although construction of the monument wasn't finished until 2013.
Maruf Raihan
The subterranean museum leaves space at ground level for a large fountain and public park around the monument, a tower of light comprised of stacked glass panes.
Asif Salman
Tabassum's latest project, Khudi Bari, is designed to help low-income communities impacted by flooding. They are low-cost and easy to assemble, with the second floor 2 meters (6 feet) from the ground. "You can move your family and your belongings to the upper level so that you can save yourself," said Tabassum.
City Syntax
Tabassum has also adapted the Khudi Bari structure to create larger community spaces at the Rohingya refugee camp at Cox's Bazaar in southeastern Bangladesh. Refugee camps are not allowed permanent structures with foundations, so the Khudi Bari offers a homely, but temporary, alternative. "Everybody has a right to good architecture," said Tabassum.
CNN  — 

Among the stretching plains of Bangladesh’s river deltas, the Khudi Bari looks small.

The two-story structure resembles a free-standing treehouse, with a pitched roof covering a platform that balances on spindly legs. Its name means “tiny house” in Bengali, and its thin bamboo frame looks frail against the rolling yellow fields and the swirling tides splashing against the river bank.

While the humble dwelling looks fragile, it’s the landscape that is delicate. Along these river deltas, the map changes every few years, with riverbank erosion causing islands, known as chars, to rise and fall with the seasons.

“A lot of people lose their land. A lot of towns have vanished into the water,” said Marina Tabassum. The award-winning founder of Marina Tabassum Architects (MTA) wanted to find a solution for these landless people, who are frequently forced to move to escape flooding.

“They need to move the moment the sand bed starts to vanish,” said Tabassum. “The idea was that they should be able to move with their structure.”

Lightweight and modular, the Khudi Bari is designed to be folded down, packed up and relocated, while still able to withstand heavy wind and rain – a steady presence in a transitory lifestyle.

05:30 - Source: CNN
This award-winning architect is building flat-pack, flood-proof homes

Tiny house, big impact

Bangladesh is one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to climate change, and experiences severe monsoons and flooding for several months every year.

“The coastal areas of Bangladesh, where we are facing the sea level rise and the changing biodiversity and ecology, those areas need a lot of attention,” said Tabassum.

She and her team began researching the needs of these communities back in 2018, but it wasn’t until the pandemic hit – and many other projects ground to a halt – that they had time to fully explore the idea of what this temporary structure might look like.

Working through a variety of ideas, the team chose bamboo as the principal material. Locally available, cheap, durable, and lightweight, it is easy to move and carry. Fastened with steel joints and metal corner braces for strength, the structure can be easily assembled and disassembled with minimal labor.

Unlike many other temporary structures, the Khudi Bari has two levels. The ground floor is built on compact earth, and walls can be made with any locally found material, such as corrugated iron or woven bamboo, or it can be left open for agricultural storage. The second floor, which can sleep up to four people, is six feet from the ground and accessed by a stepladder, offering a safe space to shelter during flooding.

Homegrown architecture

Tabassum’s compassion for the landless perhaps comes from her own family history and upbringing. The grandchild of immigrants, Tabassum’s family hails from Malda, in West Bengal, India. They left their hometown during the Hindu-Muslim riots that began after partition in 1947 – and the war and famine of Bangladesh’s early years, after gaining independence in 1971, was the backdrop of Tabassum’s childhood.

Sandro Di Carlo Darsa
Tabassum says the Bait Ur Rouf Mosque (pictured) has a "special place in her heart" as it was commissioned by her late grandmother.

These early experiences have informed her architectural practice. “Architecture grows from the land, so if you want to root it in its place, then you have to have a deep understanding of where it’s located,” she said.

Throughout her nearly three-decade career, she has designed some of the country’s most noted landmarks, including the Museum of Independence Monument, and the Aga Khan Award-winning Bait Ur Rouf Mosque.

Tabassum said that during her university studies, the curriculum was filled with works designed by foreign architects – so she was determined to create “a language of architecture which is of Bengal, of Bangladesh.”

Influenced by the work of late American architect Louis Kahn, and his student, Bangladeshi architect Muzharul Islam, Tabassum’s style is one of simplicity, playing with light and dark and the contrast of lines and shapes to create dynamic spaces that blend interiors with the natural world beyond.

In addition to the Aga Khan Award in 2016, Tabassum’s work has been further recognized, winning the Soane Medal in 2021, and most recently, celebrated in a solo exhibition at the TUM Museum of Architecture in Munich.

Her work focuses on local, historical materials, like red brick and bamboo – which has the additional benefit of reducing costs and carbon emissions associated with transport and the supply chain.

Shying away from commercial projects, Tabassum takes inspiration from her father, who was the only doctor in the neighborhood where she grew up, and pursues architecture that supports the community, and responds to crisis and need.

Sandro Di Carlo Darsa
Tabassum uses light as ornamentation in the Bait Ur Rouf Mosque; a constellation of holes in the ceiling create an invisible chandelier, casting a kaleidoscope of light across the floor.

“I really love designing public projects, especially places where people gather,” she said. “A city and its health is defined by how good your public spaces are. That really contributes to the mental and physical health of the inhabitants – in that respect, I think we still have some way to go.”

“Ephemeral” structures

To facilitate the distribution and building of the Khudi Bari, Tabassum founded a non-profit branch of her firm called FACE (Foundation for Architecture, Community, Equity) that could help provide proper shelter and living conditions for marginalized groups such as climate refugees, nomadic communities, and low-income populations.

In 2021, the Khudi Bari project received a grant from the Embassy of Switzerland in Bangladesh to fund its first 100 tiny houses, which cost roughly $450 each to build. Through community workshops and engagement events in rural communities, Tabassum said the team selects families who are “more deserving” of a new home.

The beneficiaries range from widows trying to provide for their children, to those struggling to make ends meet because of lifelong disability. So far, FACE has built 40 of these tiny homes, in the southern coastal chars of Chandpur, as well as the northern, flood-prone communities of Kurigram and Sunamganj.

“The idea is not to build the entire village,” said Tabassum. “We are building these houses to see how the buildings react to the climate, but at the same time, how people appropriate it.”

FACE is not just building these tiny homes for the sand-shifting communities on the chars. On Bangladesh’s border with Myanmar, around one million Rohingya refugees live in Cox’s Bazaar. Refugee camps are not allowed to build permanent structures or lay foundations, so Tabassum’s team has adapted the modular Khudi Bari to create homes and community space there. “Everybody has a right to good architecture,” she added.

City Syntax
Tabassum has adapted the Khudi Bari structure to create larger community spaces at the Rohingya refugee camp at Cox's Bazaar.

“Because of the climate crisis, because of the sea level rise, and all the different unpredictable phenomena that are happening around us, it’s important to not create something too permanent,” Tabassum said. “I don’t believe that every building needs to last a hundred years.”

“Architecture of people, where people live, it’s always been something which is a constantly evolving process,” she added. “It never sought permanence. And so it’s sort of ephemeral in its quality and its character.”