Courtesy Gestalten
Setre Chapel, Japan. This dramatic chapel, designed by Ryyuich Ashizawa, accepts all faiths and is free from iconography. It was hoped the huge window facing over the sea would imbue the space with a sense of the sacred.
Eric Vandeville-Vatican Pool/Getty Images
Architectural masterpieces like the Sistine chapel have the ability to leave us in awe in their presence. One way they do this by giving a sense of elevation through lifting the eyes up to view their design. Pictured, the Sistine Chapel with Michelangelo's fresco ' The Last Judgment ' at the Vatican.
David Ramos/Getty Images Europe/Getty Images
La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain lifts the eyes upon arrival with its grand structure.
The Meenakshi temple in Madurai, India is famed for its architecture and draws pilgrims and tourists from all over the world.
Oli Scarff/Getty Images Europe/Getty Images
The history and stories surrounding Westminster Abbey become even more overwhelming once inside. The architecture enables visitors to walk in the footsteps of many of history's legends.
Courtesy Gestalten
Inside the dramatic building of the Jewish Center in Germany, a glass and steel roof floods the synagogue with light. Designed by Wandel Hoefer Lorch.
Julian Finney/Getty Images AsiaPac/Getty Images
The Taj Mahal was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who is buried there alongside him. The white marble and grand design of the building use light and space to their advantage to overwhelm the senses.
A view of the inside of the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral. Gothic cathedrals like this encourage people to look up to the heavens -- be it through high ceilings, a raised steeple, or mounted statue -- to aid the inspiration felt when entering the building.
Barney Smith
Scattered between the twisting roots of the Cambodian jungle, the temples of Angkor Wat leave visitors in awe of their grandeur. The scale of the site provides immediate inspiration whilst the complexities of its sculptures keep people in their state of awe.
courtesy Mei Sheng-wa/Laojun Mountain Nature Reserve
Japanese architecture uses thin paper walls and white materials to reflect and absorb light to add brightness and texture to a space whilst changing the space as the daylight changes throughout the day.
Courtesy Gestalten
Located on the banks of a lake just outside of Kyoto, the white temple is in honor of maternal ancestors. Architects Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates wanted to create a space that would envelope the visitor like the inside of a womb.
Getty Images
Of course, many non-religious building use similar architectural flourishes to achieve a sense of awe. Concrete ribs are a feature of the Guggenheim Museum of Modern and Contempory Art in New York. The spiral staircase and unusual design keep the mind occupied as you wander through.
Courtesy Salk Institute for Biological Studies
The principles of using light and space in architectural design can be seen in the Salk Institute buildings. Its founder Jonas Salk in collaboration with architect Louis Khan, Salk designed a modern building now marveled for its use of natural light and large spaces.
Courtesy Salk Institute for Biological Studies
The design resulted in an ocean-side workplace aligned to the horizon promoting creativity and contemplation among its staff
Steve Kastenbaum/CNN
The majestic main concourse of New York's Grand Central Terminal looks today as it did in 1913, when the railroad station first opened.
David McSpadden/Flickr
The breathtaking Palace of Versailles was transformed by Louis XIV from a hunting lodge to a prominent château. Highlights of the palace include acres of lawns and fountains, its Hall of (357) Mirrors and its stunning chapel.

Editor’s Note: Polish-American architect Daniel Libeskind was CNN Style’s guest editor for July 2015. Exploring the theme of architecture and emotion, he commissioned a series of features on the relationship between the buildings we create and the way they make us feel.

CNN  — 

Picture in your mind the high ceilings of the Sistine chapel, the white marble of the Taj Mahal, or the sculpted temples of Angkor Wat.

Despite embodying different eras of history, distinct approaches to design and vastly different cultures, these icons have one thing in common – they have the ability to leave us in awe.

“The way a space is architectured is linked with sensual elevation,” says Vittorio Gallese, Professor of Physiology at the University of Parma, Italy, who explores the links between a person’s brain and their surrounding environment.

This ability to evoke emotion and contemplation is common for many of the world’s architectural wonders – and is especially prevalent in those serving a religious purpose. “To feel closer to God, you have to create an environment where everything suggests this feeling of elevation,” says Gallese.

But why – or how – does this happen?

Looking up to the skies

Creating a feeling of elevation begins with one key action – looking up.

Gothic cathedrals, ancient monuments and historic temples all have us looking up to the heavens – be it through high ceilings, a raised steeple, or mounted statue – to aid the inspiration felt when entering the building. The physical act of looking upwards aids the brain in processing the meaning behind the action – such as ideas of heaven up above and hell down below.

“The space lifts your eyes,” says Michael Arbib, Vice-President of the Academy of Neuroscience and Architecture. This visual cue embraces many regions of the brain to then absorb the world around it. “[It’s like] looking up to the mountains…it’s a basic human response,” says Arbib.

Lifting your field of vision brings with it a sense of space, comfort and contemplation.

“[In] a cave, or narrow space, you feel the oppression of the boundaries that surround your body,” says Gallese. Vast spaces, however, provide a sense of freedom and movement in which people are free to explore – and contemplate.

Experiencing the past

Humans naturally enjoy particular occurrences such as a serene landscape or a smiling face – these responses are part of our innate biology. But the extent to which people enjoy – or experience – something is strongly defined by their past and the world they have experienced to date.

“We always connect with something we know already,” says Gallese. “The feeling and emotion comes only once we relate ourselves to that environment.”

Personal histories combined with character – be it a cold or emotional persona – determine our perception of the world around us. “Memories, simulation, projection, emotions…all happen when you contemplate a building,” says Gallese.

Arbib states there are two important human responses to remember when designing a space – The “gist”, taken in on first glance, followed by the appreciation of detail. The gist is what people feel initially as they decide if something is awesome or exciting after which their extended experience – and awe – is determined by their past.

“The “gist” puts you in the right frame of mind for the space…then you overlay past experiences,” says Arbib.

The result? A very individual experience. But human evolution underlies it all.

Evolving for architecture

“We need to have a lot of space, our brains are wired that way,” says Satchin Panda, neuroscientist at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences in the United States. “We didn’t evolve to be cave-dwellers,” he says.

Panda investigates the importance of light – and effectively space – on human behaviour and believes the awe and nostalgia people experience in a built environment comes down to their inherent need to feel safe, comfortable, and happy.

“A high ceiling makes us happy…we don’t know why,” says Panda who theorizes this is related to greater light also occupying a space. Light is known to decrease levels of melatonin in the body to reduce sleepiness and increase levels of cortisol – making us more alert.

“Architecture is an art, but there’s an underlying science to it that influences decisions,” he says.

Open your senses

The principles of using light in architectural design can be seen in Panda’s workplace – the Salk Institute. Its founder Jonas Salk – known for developing the first successful polio vaccine – was inspired by Italian architecture. Salk partnered with architect Louis Khan who designed a modern building now marvelled by many worldwide for its use of natural light and large spaces. The design resulted in an ocean-side workplace aligned to the horizon promoting creativity and contemplation among its staff.

The growing idea among neuroscientists is that a visual experience is about more than just vision. It is instead multi-sensory through the tactile sensations from materials, visual distractions from different objects and particular smells aiding the experiences.

“The quality of the space is changed by [each of] these modes,” says Gallese who believes the different brain responses making up an experience are all deeply integrated inside the brain.

The need for new

The human desire for novelty is the final action in cementing someone’s experience of an architectural space.

“We have a curiosity and instinct for novel objects,” says Panda. This curiosity is the glue maintaining awe and intrigue of a building once our immediate reaction has passed.

Arbib speaks of his own experiences of the Guggenheim museum in New York where a spiral staircase and unusual design keep the mind occupied as you wander through – sometimes regardless of the exhibition. “As you walk around, the perspectives keep changing,” says Arbib.

This desire for new – and usually better – is what took us from the standard hut to the buildings we see today.

“There’s always something that pushes us to go beyond the utilitarian use of a space,” says Gallese.” We are never happy with the immediate outcomes.”

The result of this never-ending ambition is the awe-inspiring buildings the world is left with – and accumulating – today. Which one will you experience next?