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Boris Johnson makes Brexit statement

What we covered here

  • Johnson warns rebels: Boris Johnson warned lawmakers not to block a no-deal Brexit when Parliament returns on Tuesday, and said he would not request an extension past the October 31 deadline from the European Union.
  • Election speculation: Johnson did not say he would call for elections if lawmakers blocked a no-deal Brexit, but he hinted that one could be on the cards if they did.
  • Rebels publish their plan: Rebel lawmakers have published the bill they hope to pass in Parliament that would prevent the government from taking Britain out of the EU without a deal on October 31.
  • What's in the bill? One of its authors says the bill will give the government time to either reach a new agreement with the EU, or seek Parliament's consent to leave the EU without a deal.
2:24 p.m. ET, September 2, 2019

We're done for the night

Our live coverage of Monday's latest Brexit developments has ended for the night.

Read our full report here, and we'll see you tomorrow.
1:37 p.m. ET, September 2, 2019

"Hot air, no plan": Opposition lawmakers react to Boris Johnson's statement

British lawmakers swiftly panned UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's statement Monday night.

"What was that @BorisJohnson statement all about? His press people had spun that he’d threaten to call an election. Has he changed his mind? More hot air, again," Tom Watson, deputy leader of the opposition Labour party, tweeted.

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon suggested that it was yet another sign that Johnson had not devised any new deal at all.

"Plainly obvious from that statement that Johnson has no plan to get a deal. If MPs blink tomorrow, he will drive the UK off the no deal cliff on 31 October. He must not get away with it," Sturgeon tweeted.

1:27 p.m. ET, September 2, 2019

Boris Johnson says he won't ask Brussels for further delay to Brexit

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that he was determined to push forward with getting Brexit done by October 31 -- no ifs or buts -- and would not ask Brussels for a further delay.

“There are no circumstances in which I will ask Brussels to delay [Brexit]. We’re leaving on the 31stof October no ifs or buts,” Johnson said in a statement Monday outside Downing Street, as a crowd of protesters chanted outside.

Before warning MPs against thwarting a no-deal Brexit, Johnson said that he believed talks with Brussels had progressed in recent weeks and that "chances of a deal are rising."

He put this down to Britain's "clear vision for the future relationship with the EU" and the fact that the government is "utterly focused on strengthening our position to get out, come what may."

1:26 p.m. ET, September 2, 2019

"I don't want an election, you don't want an election": Johnson hints at vote if MPs rebel

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson dropped a strong hint that a general election could be on the cards should opposition and Conservative rebel MPs attempt to block a no-deal Brexit in Parliament this week.

The Prime Minister added that he hoped MPs would not force another "pointless delay" to what Britons voted for, warning that it would kill any negotiation power the the UK wields with the EU.

"If they do they will plainly chop the legs from under the UK position and make any further negotiations impossible," he said.

“I don’t want an election, you don’t want an election,” Johnson said.

Under UK law, if Johnson wants to call an election, he must get the support of two-thirds of lawmakers in the House of Commons.

1:05 p.m. ET, September 2, 2019

Opposition and Conservative rebel MPs release bill aimed at blocking no-deal Brexit

The details of a bill aiming to stop Prime Minister Boris Johnson from taking Britain out of the European Union without a deal have been revealed.

Labour MP Hilary Benn, one of the lawmakers leading the charge to seize control of the Brexit process, released the text of The European Union (Withdrawal) (no 6) Bill, which attempts to prevent a no-deal Brexit on October 31, unless Parliament consents.

"The Bill gives the Government time either to reach a new agreement with the European Union at the European Council meeting next month or to seek Parliament’s specific consent to leave the EU without a deal," Benn tweeted.

"If neither of these two conditions have been met, however, by 19th October – ie the day after the European Council meeting concludes – then the Prime Minister must send a letter to the President of the European Council requesting an Article 50 extension until 31 January 2020."

"The Bill has cross-party support from MPs who believe that the consequences of No Deal for the economy and the country would be highly damaging. No Deal is not in the national interest."

A group of opposition and rebel Conservative lawmakers are expected to back the legislation as early as Tuesday.

12:47 p.m. ET, September 2, 2019

Conservative lawmakers threatened with deselection if they vote for no-deal Brexit bill

Boris Johnson is determined that the option of a no-deal Brexit should remain on the table, in order to strengthen the UK's negotiating position.

Rebels from Johnson's Conservative party have been told that if they vote in favor of the emergency no-deal legislation on Tuesday, they will be thrown out of the parliamentary party and barred from standing as a Conservative at any future election. Since Johnson only has a parliamentary majority of one, such a move is seen as making a general election more likely.

David Gauke, a former justice secretary and key member of the group of Conservative rebels, accused the Prime Minister of taking a "confrontational" approach. "I don't think there seems to be a huge effort to persuade people to support the government this week. I think they seem to be quite prepared for there to be a rebellion, then to purge those who support the rebellion from the party," he told the BBC.

12:45 p.m. ET, September 2, 2019

Election speculation mounts after Boris Johnson calls Cabinet meeting

Speculation is mounting that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson could call an early election in an effort to thwart rebels within his own party who want to stop him taking Britain out of the European Union without a deal, according to UK media reports.
Rumors of an imminent announcement of swirled after Johnson unexpectedly called a meeting of his Cabinet for Monday evening, the UK's Press Association reported, on the eve of what's expected to be a tumultuous first day of the new parliamentary term.
A group of opposition and rebel Conservative lawmakers are expected to table legislation on Tuesday that would force Johnson to seek an extension to the Brexit process if he fails to agree a new deal with the EU.