Kevin Cooley
Los Angeles-based photographer and artist Kevin Cooley uses light as a medium to raise awareness of our impact on the environment around us, focusing mainly on the four elements: earth, wind, water and fire. Pictured, an image from Cooley's "Still Burning" series, which aims to help us better understand the relationship between wildfires and humanity.
Kevin Cooley
The element of fire is personal to Cooley, having nearly lost his home to one in 2017. Pictured: the Los Angeles County Bobcat Fire burns in the distance. It was one of many in 2020 that made the year the largest recorded wildfire season in California's history. Cooley aims to make these disasters "almost beautiful," he said, "(because) that's how you can bring attention to them."
Kevin Cooley
California has also experienced periods of extreme drought, sparking Cooley's interest in water. Photographing waves is one of his latest ventures, highlighting powerful ocean mechanics and revealing deeper human connections to our planet.
Kevin Cooley
Using "prolonged exposure and artificial lighting," Cooley said these photographs are "equal parts natural wonder and constructed spectacle."
Kevin Cooley
Cooley's 2016 installation "Fallen Water" aimed to bring attention to the global freshwater crisis, through a video compilation of Canadian waterways flowing toward Lake Ontario.
Kevin Cooley
This photograph, part of Cooley's "Unexplored Territory" series, illuminates a trail of light across the landscape tracing Mexican explorer Juan Bautista de Anza's path through the Southern California desert -- a trail which now bears the explorer's name.
Kevin Cooley
In his series "Controlled Burns" Cooley created illuminated smoke plumes in a controlled environment, a visual statement about "our desire to control nature," he said.
Kevin Cooley
"Named for prescribed fires that help prevent more destructive ones, these supervised interventions highlight existing associations with smoke and fire: modes of communication, political unrest, distress, inclement weather, and wildfires," Cooley said of the series.
Kevin Cooley
Cooley's 2009 photo series "Light's Edge" provides desolate views of American landscapes illuminated by "eerie distress signals, possibly messages from above or vice-versa," he said.
Kevin Cooley
In this photo, taken in South Pass, Wyoming, lightning shoots through the sky, highlighting "endangered beauty while correlating with beliefs in divine or extra-terrestrial phenomena," Cooley said.
Kevin Cooley
In his series "Exploded Views" Cooley explores our fascination with fire and how it influences our relationship with the environment.
Kevin Cooley
Cooley said he used various types of pyrotechnics to create the explosions for the series, with the help of experts.
Los Angeles CNN  — 

Fire has played a crucial role in humanity for millennia. It’s allowed us to cook, construct, and keep warm. But this essential element is also the cause of major destruction — as witnessed by the increase in wildfires all over the world, which the UN Environment Program attributes to climate change.

One witness — and documenter — of this trend is Los Angeles-based multimedia artist Kevin Cooley, who has spent the last decade capturing images of fire — both wild and controlled.

“I photograph these sort of disasters and I try to make them almost beautiful,” said Cooley, “but that’s how you can bring attention to them.”

Cooley’s work aims to highlight our relationship with the environment as well as the effects of climate change. He’s photographed the wildfires right outside his doorstep in California that nearly took his home, a wastewater spill in Colorado, and the declining water reservoirs in Arizona.

“It’s nature, we’re not in control of it as much as we like to think that we are,” he said, adding that he hopes his work can “help us think more about its power, its beauty and how we can respect it.”

00:50 - Source: CNN
How this photographer uses light to illuminate our relationship with the planet

Cooley largely focuses on the elements — earth, wind, water and fire — that he enhances with a light source that he either actively introduces himself, or passively introduces through objects like airplanes flying through the sky, he said.

Light, he believes, brings a certain importance to the banality of objects and situations, “highlighting things that would otherwise go unnoticed in everyday life,” he added.

Capturing the power of nature

“I’ve been working with light for the past 25 years in a variety of ways,” Cooley said, including the use of lasers, flashlights, fireworks, old flashbulbs, flares, and even smoke plumes.

In his photo series “Controlled Burns,” Cooley used strobe lights to freeze the movement of pyrotechnic smoke and turn it into menacing sculptures, he said. The photographs are a visual statement about “our desire to control nature.”

Kevin Cooley
An image from Kevin Cooley's photo series "Light's Edge" (2009).

But lately, Cooley finds himself drawn to a different element, with lower risks.

“In 2021, at the Caldor Fire [in California], I had a very harrowing experience and I kind of decided that maybe I shouldn’t be photographing fire so much and it was getting a little taxing, just always being around the smoke,” he explained. At the same time, California was in the middle of an extreme drought, which sparked his interesting in photographing water.

Using flashlights, strobe lights and even drones, Cooley takes long exposure photos of the ocean that illuminate the tides, and ebb and flow of the current, he said.

Kevin Myers/CNN
Kevin Cooley looks off into the sunset at Thousand Steps Beach in California, assessing the lighting for his evening photography session of the ocean.

“I recently read that two-thirds of California beaches are going to disappear, and that’s part of the reason why I am wanting to do this project about the waves,” he said, “to bring attention to that.”

Cooley sees the ocean as an ally in the fight against climate change – citing its power as a carbon sink and source of energy that can come from waves.

“We have to kind of harness (nature) in a way that we can find a nice balance between what we need as humans and also what the planet can tolerate,” he said, “to ensure that there will be a space left for the future generations.”