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A dog catches the ball after a Dodgers prospect hits a home run.
CNN  — 

There was an unexpected star of the show during the Los Angeles Dodgers’ spring training game against the Kansas City Royals on Saturday, after a dog managed to get its teeth on a home run ball.

In what is surely a dream come true for every baseball attendee, the four-legged friend watched as Dodgers prospect Michael Busch sent a ball flying over the fence in its direction.

As is often the case, fans scrambled for the loose ball but, once the dust had settled, a rather excited looking canine was left holding it in its mouth.

Supporters erupted in a round of ap-paws after the rather impressive fetch which came during the seventh inning of the spring training game.

Initially reluctant to give up its prize, the dog eventually allowed its owner, a man wearing a K-9 Dodgers jersey, to lift it aloft in celebration.

It was as exciting as the game got for Dodgers fans who watched as their team was beaten 6-3.

Opening Day of the new MLB season is fast approaching on March 30, but let’s hope we see some more puppy action before things get more serious.