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The UK is set to begin sequencing the genomes of 100,000 newborn babies later this year. It will be the largest study of its kind, mapping the babies’ complete set of genetic instructions, with potentially profound implications for child medicine.

The £105 million ($126 million) Newborn Genomes Programme will screen for around 200 rare but treatable genetic conditions, with the aim of curtailing untold pain and anxiety for babies and their families, who sometimes struggle to receive a diagnosis through conventional testing. By accelerating the diagnostic process, earlier treatment of infants could prevent many severe conditions from ever developing.

The study would see roughly one in 12 newborn babies in England screened on a voluntary basis over two years. It will operate as an extension of current newborn testing, with the findings intended to inform policymakers, who could pave the way for sequencing to become more commonplace.

Nevertheless, the project has raised many longstanding ethical questions around genetics, consent, data privacy, and priorities within infant healthcare.

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The world's first prosthetic toe dates to an Egyptian mummy. The Romans and the Greeks wrote about prosthetic arms and legs. But artificial limbs didn't gain a lot of movement and functionality until the 1500s, with hands that had the ability to grasp and legs that were able to kneel. While the technology continued to develop, the injuries of the Civil War would push Americans to the forefront of prosthetics. Today, technology is taking prosthetics to new levels: bionic limbs with natural feel, and built simply with 3-D printers.
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People tried to inoculate themselves with smallpox as far back as 1,000 A.D. in China by scratching smallpox sores onto the skin. However, it wasn't until 1796 that English doctor Edward Jenner was able to use cowpox as a vaccine against the deadly disease. Vaccines would make another leap 50 years later, with the development of the hypodermic needle. Up until that point, a lancet had to be used. The needle was key to helping Louis Pasteur develop a successful rabies vaccine. By the 1920s, vaccines for diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and tuberculosis were available. By 1980, smallpox was eradicated form the world, and polio is almost eliminated from the planet.
Smithsonian National Museum of American History
While Galileo is frequently credited as the inventor of the thermometer, it wasn't until the mid-1800s (the era of the one pictured) that doctors were able to use thermometers to measure people's temperatures. Before that thermometers were not only large and cumbersome, but they also were not able to diagnose actual temperature grades. In 1866, a convenient 6-inch thermometer was invented. The early varieties were made of thin tubes of glass with mercury, and were mounted to ivory or wood.
Win McNamee/Getty Images
Plastic surgeons date the first nose job as far back as the 1400s, but developments in this area of surgery would have to wait until the practice of the skin graft was honed in the late 1800s. Even then, it would take another two centuries before doctors were able to apply this technology to transplanting parts of the face. French doctors did a partial facial transplant in 2005, and three years later, doctors at the Cleveland Clinic performed the world's first full facial transplant.
Herbal mixtures using opium poppy were used as early as 4,000 B.C., but it wouldn't be administered intravenously until 1659 -- first delivered to a dog's vein using a goose quill. But in 1771, nitrous oxide was discovered, and in 1800, Humphry Davy wrote "as nitrous oxide in its extensive operation appears capable of destroying physical pain, it may probably be used with advantage during surgical operations in which no great effusion of blood takes place." It was first used for tooth extractions. By 1847, anesthetics were used for labor and other surgeries.
Haydn West/PA Wire/AP
One of the greatest life savers of our time, the seat belt reduces the probability of driving fatalities by about 50%. In the United States alone, it prevents about 15,000 deaths annually. The three-point seat belt, patented and introduced by Volvo in 1959, was filed under an open patent, making the technology available to any company, because the developers knew the kind of safety impact it could make. By 1968 all new cars in America had modern seat belts.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Aspirin is a remedy as old as time. Ancient Egyptians are known to have used willow bark to alleviate their aches and pains without knowing that it was salicylic acid, the natural version of aspirin, that reduced body temperature and inflammation. But it wasn't until the 19th century that a synthetic version of the acid was developed into the little pills we know today. In 1899 the pharmaceutical company Bayer handed out powdered versions of the acid to doctors, and by 1915, it was sold over the counter.
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A scientific and social breakthrough, "the pill" allowed women to separate sex from procreation for the first time. It was such a controversial idea that the makers of Enovid, the first form of birth control submitted before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, presented it as a treatment for severe menstrual disorders. Approved in summer 1957, it carried a warning: "This pill will likely prevent pregnancy." That year, an unusually large number of women had severe menstrual disorders.
The concept of stem cells, the idea of an original single cell acting as an ancestor for all organic beings, was first hypothesized in the late 19th century. But it wasn't until the 1950s that researchers found adult stem cells in bone marrow that could develop into different types of cells. This work led to the first human bone marrow transplant. It took another 40 years before human embryonic stem cells were derived, unleashing the potential for new drugs and therapies for a range of diseases like ALS, Alzheimer's, cancer and even blindness.
Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
The discovery of penicillin is considered a landmark in medical history, marking the beginning of antibiotic use. In 1928, Englishman Alexander Fleming discovered a strain of mold on some contaminated petri dishes: It was penicillin. It would be another decade before scientists understood the full potential of this mold. The challenge became scaling up production. American scientists lucked out when they found a strain of penicillin on a moldy cantaloupe at a Peoria, Illinois, grocery store. It grew 200 times as much as the strain Fleming found. Thanks to penicillin, the mortality rate of bacterial pneumonia fell from 18% during WWI to less than 1% in WWII.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images
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STR/AFP/Getty Images
The first infant formula wasn't created until 1867. It was a liquid mixture of cow's milk and wheat and malt flour, cooked with potassium and called the "perfect infant food." By the late 1800s infant formulas were marketed, and in 1951 the first nonpowder formulas were introduced, and shortly thereafter formula became more popular than breast-feeding.
Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images/FILE
In 1944, U.S. researchers for the first time fertilized a human egg outside the womb. But keeping the egg alive was another matter. In the United States, a political battle over the morality of in vitro fertilization ensued. It was another three decades before the world's first "test-tube baby" was born. On July 26, 1978, Louise Joy Brown was born at a healthy 5 pounds, 12 ounces, a miracle for her parents, who suffered with years of infertility, and a miracle for science.
Daniel Acker/Bloomberg/Getty Images
Farmers have a long history of cross-breeding plants. However, once it was understood how to splice DNA and alter it in a plant, the technology was used to enhance certain traits in crops, making them more resistant to some pests and fortifying them with more nutrients. The first genetically modified food approved for human consumption by the Food and Drug Administration was the Flavr Savr tomato in 1994. It was modified to not get quickly squishy and thus survive transport with flavor and texture in tact. Soybeans are one of the most commonly modified plants. Today, the FDA is considering whether to approve genetically modified salmon, which can grow twice as fast as their nonmodified brethren.
Raphael GAILLARDE/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images
James Watson and Francis Crick are the people most associated with discovering the double helix design of DNA, the hereditary building blocks of life, in 1953. However, many don't realize their discovery was built upon the work of British chemist Rosalind Franklin, who was able to use X-ray diffraction to produce photographic images of the molecule. While looking at her photographs, without her knowing, Watson and Crick made their discovery. It was another 50 years before the entire human genome was mapped.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images
While scientists tried organ transplants in humans and animals in the 18th century, the first successful organ transplant (skin, by the way) didn't occur until 1869. The next successful transplant wouldn't occur until the middle of the 20th century. The biggest boon to transplant technology was the development of the immunosuppressant drug Cyclosporine, which lessens the likeliness of rejection. The drug was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1983, and that same year the first lung transplant to last longer than six years took place. Today, every 10 minutes someone is added to the national transplant waiting list.
The first pacemakers were developed in the 1930s. They were large machines that were hand-cranked! Researchers worked on making smaller devices, and in 1958 the first human implanted device was created -- but it only lasted three hours. The pacemaker as we know it today wasn't achieved until the development of silicone transistors to improve the size of the machine, as well as the development of the long-life lithium battery. Today, pacemakers are about the size of a coin.
Discovered accidentally by German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, X-rays allowed doctors to see inside the human body for the first time without the use of surgery. They were used during the Balkan War to locate bullets and broken bones in patients. While doctors and scientists were eager to use X-ray technology, they didn't understand how strong the effects of radiation could be. In 1904, Thomas Edison's assistant, who worked with X-rays daily, died of skin cancer. Today, the technology is widely used.
Until the beginning of the 20th century the only therapy for cancer was surgery. But in the early 1900s the development of the X-ray led to a new and improved method of treatment. Not only could X-rays be used to help detect cancer, but also to get rid of it. The use of chemotherapy wasn't developed until World War II. The U.S. military was researching a number of chemicals related to mustard gas when researchers came across the compound nitrogen mustard -- which was found to work against cancer of the lymph nodes. It was used as a model for other cancer medicines, jump-starting the development of chemotherapy.

Curtailing the diagnostic odyssey

In the UK, like many other countries, newborn babies are screened for a number of treatable conditions through a small blood spot sample. Also known as the heel prick test, this method has been routine for over 50 years, and today covers nine conditions including sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis and inherited metabolic diseases.

“The heel prick is long overdue to be obsolete,” argues Eric Topol, an American cardiologist and professor of molecular medicine at The Scripps Research Institute, who is not connected with the UK sequencing initiative. “It’s very limited and it takes weeks to get the answer. Sometimes, babies that have serious metabolic abnormalities, they’re already being harmed.”

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The blood spot test has been used to screen newborns for several treatable conditions for decades.

Some conditions that are tested for have variations that may not register a positive result. The consequences can be life-altering.

One example is congenital hyperthyroidism, which impacts neurological development and growth and affects “one in 1,500 to 2,000 babies in the UK,” explains Krishna Chatterjee, professor of endocrinology at the University of Cambridge. It is the result of an absent or under-developed thyroid gland and can be treated with the hormone thyroxine, a cheap and routine medicine. But if treatment doesn’t begin “within the first six months of life, some of those deleterious neurodevelopmental consequences cannot be prevented or reversed.”

The Newborn Genomes Programme will test for one or more forms of congenital hypothyroidism that are not picked up by the heel prick test. “At a stroke, you can make a diagnosis, and that can be game changing – or life changing – for that child,” Chatterjee says.

Finding 100,000 babies

The program is led by Genomics England, part of the UK Department of Health and Social Care. Along with its partners, it has carried out a variety of preparatory studies, including a large-scale public consultation. A feasibility study is currently underway to assess whether a heel prick, cheek swab or umbilical cord blood will be used for sampling, with the quality of the DNA sample determining the final choice.

Genomics England says that each of the 200 conditions that will be screened for has been selected because there is evidence it is caused by genetic variants; it has a debilitating effect; early or pre-symptomatic treatment has a life-improving impact; and treatment is available for all through the UK’s National Health Service (NHS).

Richard Scott, chief medical officer and deputy CEO at Genomics England, says the program aims to return screening results to families in two weeks, and estimates at least one in 200 babies will receive a diagnosis.

Contracts for sequencing are still to be confirmed, although one contender is American biotech company Illumina. Chief scientist David Bentley says the company has reduced the price of its sequencing 1,000-fold compared to its first genome 15 years ago, and can now sequence the whole human genome for $200.

Bentley argues that early diagnosis via genome sequencing is cost effective in the long term: “People get sick, they get tested using one test after another, and that cost mounts up. (Sequencing) the genome is much cheaper than a diagnostic odyssey.”

Courtesy Illumina
Illumina equipment in a sequencing laboratory. The cost of sequencing the human genome has fallen significantly in the last 15 years, says the company.

But while some barriers to genetic screening have fallen, many societal factors are still in play.

Feedback from a public consultation ahead of the UK project’s launch was generally positive, although some participants voiced concerns that religious views could affect uptake, and a few expressed skepticism and mistrust about current scientific developments in healthcare, according to a report on its findings.

Frances Flinter, emeritus professor of clinical genetics and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and a member of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, described the program as a “step into the unknown” in a statement to Science Media Centre in December 2022, reacting to the launch of the program.

“We must not race to use this technology before both the science and ethics are ready,” she said at the time. “This research program could provide new and important evidence on both. We just hope the question of whether we should be doing this at all is still open.”

Genome sequencing has raised many philosophical and ethical questions. If you could have aspects of your medical future laid ahead of you, would you want that? What if you were predisposed to an incurable disease? Could that knowledge alone impact your quality of life?

“People don’t generally understand deterministic or fatalistic-type results versus probabilistic, so it does require real teaching of participants,” says Topol. In other words, just because someone has a genetic predisposition to a certain condition, it doesn’t guarantee that they will develop the disease.

Nevertheless, sequencing newborn babies has made some of those questions more acute.

“One of the tenets of genomics and genomics testing is the importance of maintaining people’s autonomy to make their own decisions,” says Scott, highlighting the optional nature of the program.

“We’ve been quite cautious,” he stresses. “All of the conditions that we’re looking for are ones where we think we can make a really substantial impact on those children’s lives.”

Parents-to-be will be invited to participate in the program at their 20-week scan, and confirm their decision after the child’s birth.

“These will be parents, most of whom won’t have any history of a genetic condition, or any reason to worry about one. So it will be an additional challenge for them to appreciate what the value might be for their family,” says Amanda Pichini, clinical lead for genetic counseling at Genomics England.

Part of Pichini’s remit is to ensure equal access to the program and to produce representative data. While diversity comes in many forms, she says – including economic background and rural versus urban location – enlisting ethnically diverse participants is one objective.

“(There) has been a lack of data from other ethnic groups around the world, compared to Caucasians,” says Bentley. “As a result, the diagnostic rates for people from those backgrounds is lower. There are more variants from those backgrounds that we don’t know anything about – we can’t interpret them.”

If genomics is to serve humanity equally, genome data needs to reflect all of it. Data diversity “isn’t an issue that any one country can solve,” says Pichini.

Other countries are also pursuing sequencing programs and reference genomes – a set of genes assembled by scientists to represent a population, for the purpose of comparison. Australia is investing over $500 million AUS (around $333 million) into its genome program; the “All of Us” program is engaged in a five-year mission to sequence 1 million genomes in the US; and in the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates is seeking its own reference genome to investigate genetic diseases disproportionately affecting people in the region, where Illumina’s recently opened Dubai office will add local sequencing capacity.

Richard Scott of Genomics England says he hopes findings from the UK will be useful to other countries’ health systems, especially those not in “a strong position to develop the evidence and to support their decisions as well.”

Data protection

Sequenced genomes will enter a secure databank using the same model as the National Genomic Research Library, in which they are deidentified and assigned a reference number.

Researchers from the NHS, universities and pharmaceutical companies can apply for access to the National Genomic Research Library (in some cases for a fee), with applications approved by an independent committee that includes participants who have provided samples. There are plenty of restrictions: data cannot be accessed for insurance or marketing purposes, for example.

“We think it’s really important to be transparent about that,” says Pichini. “Often, drugs and diagnostics and therapeutics can’t be developed in the NHS on (its) own. We need to have those partnerships.”

When each child turns 16, they will make their own decision on whether their genomic data should remain in the system. It hasn’t yet been decided if participants can request further investigation of their genome – beyond the scope of newborn screening – at a later date, says Scott.

Assessing the impact

After the two-year sampling window closes, a cost-benefit analysis of the program will begin, developing evidence for the UK National Screening Committee which advises the government and NHS on screening policies. It’s a process that could take some time.

Chatterjee suggests an entire lifetime might be needed to measure the economic savings that would come from early diagnosis of certain diseases, citing the costs of special needs schooling for children and support for adults living with certain rare genetic conditions: “How does that balance against the technical cost of making a diagnosis and then treatment?”

“I’m quite certain that this cost-benefit equation will balance,” Chatterjee adds.

Multiple interviewees for this article viewed genome sequencing as an extension of current testing, though stopped short of suggesting it could become standard practice for all newborn babies. Even Topol, a staunch advocate for genomics, does not believe it will become universal. “I don’t think you can mandate something like this,” he says. “We’re going to have an anti-genomic community, let’s face it.”

Members of the medical community have expressed a variety of concerns about the program’s approach and scope.

In comments released last December, Angus Clarke, clinical professor at the Institute of Cancer and Genetics at Cardiff University, queried if the program’s whole genome sequencing was driven by a wish to collect more genomic data, rather than improve newborn screening. Louise Fish, chief executive of the Genetic Alliance UK charity, questioned whether following other European nations that are expanding the number of conditions tested through existing bloodspot screening may have “just as great an ability to improve the lives of babies and their families.”

If genome sequencing becomes the norm, it remains to be seen how it will dovetail with precision medicine in the form of gene therapy, including gene editing. While the cost of sequencing a genome has plummeted, some gene therapies can cost millions of dollars per patient.

But for hundreds of babies not yet born in England, diagnosis of rare conditions that have routine treatments will be facilitated by the Newborn Genomes Programme.

“So much of medicine today is given in later life, and saves people for a few months or years,” says Bentley. “It’s so good to see more opportunity here to make a difference through screening and prevention during the early stages of life.

“It is investing maximally in the long-term future as a society, by screening all young people and increasing their chances of survival through genetics so they can realize their enormous potential.”

This story has been updated to clarify that the Newborn Genomes Programme will only run in England.