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House January 6 committee to subpoena Kimberly Guilfoyle after she backed out of meeting

(CNN) The House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol Hill riot tells CNN it will issue a subpoena to compel testimony from Kimberly Guilfoyle after she ended a virtual interview on Friday.

Guilfoyle, who is engaged to Donald Trump Jr. and worked on his father's presidential campaign, "has information of interest to the Select Committee and has provided documents germane to our investigation," committee spokesman Tim Mulvey said in a statement.

"The Select Committee had hoped she would do as dozens of other witnesses have done: participate in a voluntary transcribed interview with staff and committee members," Mulvey said. "Ms. Guilfoyle has now declined to do so, forcing the Select Committee to compel her testimony at an upcoming deposition."

After news broke that her meeting with the committee was underway, Guilfoyle tweeted a statement from her lawyer bashing members of Congress for being present for the interview and alleging they leaked the interview to the press.

Guilfoyle agreed to meet "exclusively" with counsel for the select committee, the lawyer Joseph Tacopina said in the statement.

But House members who sit on the committee have consistently been present in interviews conducted by the panel.

A source familiar with the Guilfoyle meeting told CNN there were no ground rules for the interview. The source said Guilfoyle is "pretending to be outraged."

Guilfoyle was involved in raising money for the Trump campaign and the January 6 "Stop the Steal" rally. She was seen backstage with Trump and other high-level White House and campaign officials during the rally. She also spoke at the rally, telling the crowd, "We will not allow the liberals and the Democrats to steal our dream or steal our elections."

Prior to her meeting with the panel on Friday, CNN had previously reported that the committee had subpoenaed and obtained Guilfoyle's phone records.

This story and headline have been updated with additional developments Friday.
