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Doctor Strange is in a big mess in teaser trailer for sequel film

(CNN) If you're one of the tens of people who have yet to see "Spider-Man: No Way Home," here's something that's new to you: the teaser trailer for "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness."

The trailer, shown to people who stuck around after the credits of the latest Spider-Man film, is just the tease you'd expect from Marvel.

In it, Doctor Strange is seen dealing with further fall-out from his spell-gone-bonkers that had huge consequences in "No Way Home." He's joined here by Wong and Wanda (aka Scarlet Witch).

"The Multiverse is a concept about which we know frighteningly little," he says at one point, and we have to heartily agree, Strange. But we're excited to find out more.

"Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" premieres May 6, 2022.
