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Millie Bobby Brown almost quit acting after 'Game of Thrones' rejection

(CNN) Millie Bobby Brown says she almost quit acting after being passed over for a role in "Game of Thrones."

"I think I was just very disheartened by the rejection, which is something I tell everyone," Brown told Jimmy Fallon during an interview on "The Tonight Show."

Brown, 16, added, "Like, this industry is just full of rejection, 24/7. You get far more noes -- a lot of noes -- before you get a yes. I was auditioning for commercials, for anything, really. I then auditioned for 'Game of Thrones' and I got a 'no' for that. Then that's kind of when I was like, 'Oh, this is really difficult,' because I guess I really wanted that role."

Thankfully, she didn't give up. Two months later, she landed the role of Eleven on "Stranger Things."
