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France reports its lowest daily coronavirus death toll since late March

(CNN) France has reported its lowest daily death toll from Covid-19 since March 22.

The virus claimed the lives of 135 people in the 24 hours leading up to Sunday's release, according to French Health Ministry figures.

Since the beginning of March, 24,895 people have died of Covid-19 in France and the country has recorded 131,287 confirmed cases of the virus.

As of Sunday evening, 25,815 people were hospitalized for Covid-19, with 345 new admissions recorded over the previous 24 hours.

The number of people in ICU decreased further, with 3,819 patients in intensive care. That number has continually fallen since April 9.

Emergency measures to be extended

On Saturday, the French government announced it would further extend its coronavirus state of emergency to July 24. The emergency was initially declared in late March and had been set to expire May 11.

The extension is part of a set of measures to be proposed to Parliament on Tuesday, Health Minister Olivier Veran said in a news conference.

French Health Minister Olivier Veran, left, said a proposal to extend his country's emergency measures would go before lawmakers Tuesday.

Veran addressed reporters following a cabinet meeting on the coronavirus crisis. He said that lifting the emergency order earlier would waste the "considerable efforts made by the French people."

"If we were to decrease overnight on May 11 the efforts we made, we can bet that all these efforts, made admirably by the French people, would have been in vain," Veran said.

Other proposed measures include limiting foreign travel and introducing a quarantining process for some travelers entering France.

"The government's objective is not to prevent the French people from traveling; the government's objective is to prevent the virus from traveling," Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said at the news conference.

Castaner added the proposed measures would not include restrictions on people traveling between districts within France.

Quarantine measures

Veran said Saturday that people entering France from "abroad, Corsica and other overseas territory" could be quarantined under the new measures, but Sunday the Elysee Palace told CNN a quarantine would not apply to travelers from the Schengen Area of the European Union and the United Kingdom.

This is regardless of the nationality of those traveling to France, the palace said.

The Schengen Area is a zone of 26 European countries that allow people to move freely among them. It includes countries such as Spain, France, Greece, Germany, Italy and Poland.

The Elysee Palace would not comment on whether travelers from the United States would be subject to quarantine measures if entering the country.
