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Meghan's friend calls out 'racist bullies' who abuse the duchess

(CNN) A friend of Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, has defended Prince Harry's wife in a post on Instagram, calling out the "racist bullies" who criticize her, following years of "undeserved hate and abuse."

Earlier this week, environmental campaigners accused the Duke and Duchess of Sussex of hypocrisy after the couple used private jets to fly to the south of France and Ibiza in two trips just days apart.

British and international media covered the story extensively, and the duchess' behavior is routinely criticized by British media outlets.

"When someone faces unfair criticism, you call it out. When that person is your friend and your family, you call those critics what they truly are. Shame on you, you racist bullies," Jessica Mulroney, a well-known Canadian stylist, posted online. Mulroney's children were in the bridal party for Harry and Meghan's 2018 wedding.

Although Mulroney didn't mention Meghan by name, she captioned the post "3 years of undeserved hate and abuse. It's enough."

Singer Elton John said media reports of the royal couple's trip to Nice were "distorted and malicious." The singer said he and his husband David Furnish had paid for the private jet to Nice for security reasons, and had made a donation to an environmental charity.

Meghan and Jessica Mulroney pictured at a dinner in Toronto, Canada, in May 2016.

"After a hectic year continuing their hard work and dedication to charity, David and I wanted the young family to have a private holiday inside the safety and tranquility of our home. To maintain a high level of much-needed protection, we provided them with a private jet flight," he posted on Twitter.

Meanwhile, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge took their family on budget airline FlyBe for a flight to Scotland on Thursday, reported the MailOnline. William and Catherine traveled with their three children and nanny from Norwich to Aberdeen, according to the report.

Meghan has been the target of racist abuse since her relationship with Prince Harry was revealed by the media in 2016.

In November of that year, Prince Harry instructed his spokesperson to issue a statement before the couple married, calling out "the racial undertones of comment pieces and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments" directed at his now wife.

Royal staff are devoting more resources to deleting comments targeting Meghan. This year, efforts have been ramped up to block abusive Twitter and Instagram accounts, and software is being used to filter out the use of the n-word, as well as emojis of guns and knives.

Since Meghan and Prince Harry's relationship was first revealed by the media in 2016, there have been references in articles to Meghan's "rich and exotic DNA," reports that her "family went from cotton slaves to royalty" and claims that the Los Angeles native was "(almost) straight outta Compton."

CNN's Bianca Britton, Max Foster and Hilary McGann contributed to this report.