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World Rugby goes to Japan: Show times of latest episode

(CNN) Japan -- a place where flashing neon signs and pachinko parlors sit alongside ancient temples and peaceful gardens.

Come September, this island nation will be making sporting history as the first Asian nation to host a Rugby World Cup. An estimated 400,000 rugby fans will visit Japan to cheer on 20 of the world's best teams in their quest for glory.

CNN World Rugby travels across the country as it prepares for the sport's biggest tournaments.

Rugby in Japan is attracting new and old talent, bringing hope to a city destroyed by the 2011 tsunami and playing a crucial role in the development of the seven-a-side game too.

Sunday 5/26/19

7:30am BST

10:30pm BST

Monday 5/27/19

2:30am BST

Tuesday 5/28/19

2am BST

Thursday 5/30/19

9:30am BST

5:30pm BST
