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Global Champions League: Teams announced for 2019 season

(CNN) The line-ups for the 2019 Global Champions League (GCL) have been announced -- with a number of high-profile stars making a switch to different teams.

London Knights, last year's winner of the GCL Championship, has retained the core of its powerful line up and added Max Kuhner to the ranks of Ben Maher, Olivier Philippaerts, Nicola Philippaerts, Martin Fuchs and U25 talent Emily Moffitt.

Similarly, Madrid in Motion -- winners of the first-ever GCL Super Cup at the GC Prague Playoffs last year -- has added Mark McAuley and Cindy van der Straten to what will be a strong outfit.

Each of the 16 squads will now field a roster of six riders -- one more rider than last season -- to allow for more flexibility.

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Lineups for the 2019 Global Champions League have been revealed.

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Other notable movements involve star striker Peder Fredricson signing for Shanghai Swans and Harrie Smolders joining Paris Panthers.

Elsewhere, Cannes Stars has been busy in acquiring Eric Lamaze and Margie Goldstein-Engle, while Marco Kutscher will ride for Prague Lions and Cian O'Connor joins 2018 runner up Valkenswaard United.

Every team will also include an U25 rider in order to focus on the development of youth at the top level of show jumping.

The tantalizing season kicks off in Doha, Qatar, next week before it embarks on a tour of some of the most glamorous and spectacular venues in show jumping.

With every point counting in the race for the 2019 title, teams are busy putting the final touches to their campaign strategies.
