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How well does Francesco Molinari know ... Francesco Molinari?

(CNN) On Sunday, Francesco Molinari's life changed forever.

After victory at the Open Championship, he was no longer just Molinari the golfer; but Molinari the major winner.

With that triumph came extra fame, media attention, prestige and winnings -- he took back to Italy $1.8 million after topping the Carnoustie leaderboard.

CNN's Living Golf host Shane O'Donaghue sat down with the Italian before his Open triumph to find out how well he knows his own career and by the sound of it, Molinari's isn't motivated all that much by monetary reward. When quizzed on his earnings on the European Tour, the 35-year-old was a full €10 million ($11.6 million) out!

READ: Francesco Molinari wins Open Championship as Tiger Woods falls short

READ: For 38 minutes, Tiger Woods made people believe his comeback was complete

"I'm missing 10 (million)! Where's the other 10 gone," Molinari laughs after O'Donaghue tells him he'd actually won $21.6 million. "You see, those player agents ... "

If Molinari's career earnings have brought him millions of dollars, according to fellow pro Wesley Bryan the Italian is to likely to have plenty left in the bank given his love of the simple life.

After Molinari won at Carnoustie, Bryan tweeted out the Open champion's retirement plans, which the two golfers had chatted about at a tournament in China earlier this year.

According to Bryan's notes from that conversation Molinari is planning to retire in "2.5 years, watch sports on tv, go to local coffee shop and have 3 cups of per day, read some books maybe, use free wifi at places and become a Twitter troll ... I have it all planned out!"

For the full interview and to find out how Molinari did, watch the video above.
