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Lisa Murkowski brings 'The Hulk' back to the Senate

Story highlights
  • Sen. Ted Stevens wore a 'Hulk' tie for big votes
  • The GOP tax bill would open up ANWR to drilling for oil and gas
  • Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, will honor Stevens with 'Hulk' earrings

Washington(CNN) Sen. Lisa Murkowski is wearing some Hulk earrings Tuesday in honor of the late Sen. Ted Stevens, who was known for wearing superhero ties and would wear a Hulk tie whenever he tried to get Congress to approve oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

"And when he wore his Hulk tie he meant business," the Alaska Republican told CNN.

The GOP tax bill includes a provision that would open up ANWR to drilling for oil and gas. It means Murkowski will be accomplishing a goal of Alaskan politicians for decades, including Stevens and her father, former Gov. and Sen. Frank Murkowski.

Murkowski, who's very superstitious, said she's had the earrings for a while but didn't wear them until Tuesday because she said she "never had just the right moment."

"So, I figured today was the day to be channeling my inner Ted Stevens and wearing the Hulk," she said, before she knocked on the wooden table next to her.

UNITED STATES - DECEMBER 20: Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Ak., speaks to the press in the Senate hallway of the Capitol. (Photo By Chris Maddaloni/Roll Call/Getty Images)

The tax bill is expected to pass the Senate some time later Tuesday night.
