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LGCT Cascais: How do you prepare a horse for an equestrian event?

Story highlights
  • LGCT held in Cascais, Estoril on July 7 & 8

(CNN) It's a 15-stage global event, spanning three continents in some of the planet's most glamorous cities. There is a lot of traveling. There are a lot of miles to cover.

But how do riders ensure horses are in peak condition for every round of the Longines Global Champions Tour? Step forward Eszter Krasznavolgyi, one of a number of horse groomers who play a key role behind the scenes on the tour.

Each rider has their own experienced traveling groom and Krasznavolgyi, who has been a groom for six years, works with Germany's David Will.

Krasznavolgyi describes the grooms, who are on the road, traveling show-to-show throughout the GCT calendar, as like a "big family."

David Will is pictured riding Monodie H.

Calvilot prepares for the weekend's action in Cascais.

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"We are always together every week. sometimes we drive together in a convoy. It's so much fun. I really love my life," Krasznavolgyi tells CNN ahead of the ninth round of competition in Cascais, Estoril on July 8.

"You have to know your horse," adds the Hungarian. "I don't ride, but I'm working with the horses. I'm proud of my rider and horses and I'm always getting nervous if he's riding or in the ring. At the jump I sometimes can't watch.

Will, currently 80th in the GCT rankings, says Krasznavolgyi does an "incredible job."

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"The horses are living animals. To perform really well they have to be feeling good and this is what Eszter does."
