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North Dakota teen gets accepted by all 8 Ivy League schools

Story highlights
  • North Dakota teen hasn't made his big decision yet
  • But he's leaning toward Princeton, Stanford, Harvard, MIT

(CNN) Another brilliant student has joined an exclusive academic club -- and now that teen in New Jersey won't be the only one agonizing over which Ivy League school to choose this fall.

A student in North Dakota has the same decision to make.

Martin Altenburg, a high school senior in Fargo, was also accepted into all eight Ivy League schools.

"I wanted to just apply to as many schools as possible because ... I wasn't sure where I'd get in and where I wouldn't get in," Altenburg told CNN affiliate WDAY.

Well, that strategy obviously worked because Altenburg will now choose between Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Columbia, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Dartmouth and Brown.

"Yale was the last letter I opened," he said. "And I was like, 'OK, if I get into this, I've gotten into all eight Ivy Leagues.'"

But that's not all. He was also accepted at Stanford and MIT.

Busy schedule reaps rewards

As busy a schedule as Altenburg keeps, its amazing he even had time to fill out all of those college applications.

He told WDAY at school he's involved in cross-country. And swimming. And track. And orchestra. And chamber orchestra. And youth symphony. He's the district lieutenant governor for Key Club. And he runs a Twitter account for his calculator. No really.

Altenburg, who is a student at Fargo North High School, hasn't made his decision yet, but he's leaning toward Princeton, Stanford, Harvard or MIT.

Students getting into all of the Ivies is a monumental feat that few achieve. Just this week Ifeoma White-Thorpe of New Jersey said she got acceptance letters from all eight schools. And over the past couple of years four other students -- Kwasi Enin in 2014, Harold Ekeh in 2015 and Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna and Kelly Hyles last year -- also joined this exclusive club.
