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MH370: Here's what's been found from jetliner 3 years after it disappeared

(CNN) Three years after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 vanished with 239 people aboard, one of the world's biggest aviation mysteries remains unsolved.

Searchers have found debris in the Indian Ocean believed to be from the doomed airliner that disappeared on March 8, 2014. They have confirmed three pieces as certainly from the plane, while five others remain highly likely but inconclusive.

The three governments involved in the search suspended it in January.

Here's a breakdown of the parts found:


Wing flap:

Where found: Tanzania

When: June

Authorities say this piece of debris has been confirmed to be from MH370. It was found in June on Pemba Island, in the Indian Ocean near the mainland. It is believed to be part of the outboard wing flap of the missing Boeing 777.

Plane wing fragment

Where found: Mauritius

When: May

The fragment of plane wing has been confirmed as from the missing jetliner. A "part identifier" was legible on the plane piece, officials said, which allowed investigators to identify the wreckage definitively.

Flaperon :

Where found: Reunion Island

When: July 2015

Australian officials have said the flaperon is confirmed to be from the jetliner -- the first trace of the plane since it vanished in March 2014. Numbers found inside the flaperon match records from a company that manufactured it for MH370, French officials said. The unique identifier means it's definitely from this particular plane.

The Indian Ocean island sits between Madagascar and Mauritius.


Cabin interior panel

Where found: Madagascar

When: June

Tests show the part is "almost certainly" from the missing jetliner. While Australian transportation authorities confirmed the part is from the same type of aircraft, they cannot confirm it is specifically from MH370.

MH370 is the only Boeing believed missing in the Indian Ocean. Australia spearheaded the search for the jetliner in partnership with officials from Malaysia and China.

Engine cowling

Where found: Mossel Bay, South Africa

When: March 2016

The part was identified by the Rolls Royce stencil on it, which is consistent with those used by Malaysia Airlines. But just like the previous parts, it is "almost certainly" from the missing jetliner. But since it has no "unique identifier" linking it specifically to MH370, officials can only confirm it's from the same type of aircraft.

Main cabin interior panel

Where found: Rodrigues Island, Mauritius

When: March 2016

This particular interior panel is from the main cabin, Australian officials said. Its parts, materials, dimensions, construction and fasteners were all consistent with those found in the airline's Boeings. But there were no special identifiers that made it unique to MH370, which is why it's "almost certainly" from the missing jetliner but not confirmed.

Horizontal stabilizer

Where found: Mozambique beach

When: February 2016

Australian officials spearheading the search effort in the Indian Ocean confirm this part attached to the tail is "almost certainly" from the vanished jetliner.

While the debris is from a Malaysia Airlines Boeing aircraft, officials cannot definitely conclude it's MH370 because the part has "no unique identifier" linking it to that particular plane.

Flap track fairing

Where found: Mozambique beach

When: December 2015

Australian officials said the part from the right wing is "almost certainly" from the vanished jetliner. They cannot conclusively confirm it's from MH370 because while its font and color fits those used by Malaysia Airlines, it has no "unique identifier" that specifically ties it to MH370.
