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Trump campaign releases new ad on economy, announces expanded buy

Story highlights
  • Donald Trump's campaign released a new ad Monday and announced the expansion of an ad campaign
  • The campaign will grow from four to nine states

(CNN) Donald Trump's campaign released a new ad Monday, the latest in a series of videos contrasting the Republican with his opponent, Hillary Clinton, this time focusing on the economy.

The Trump campaign says the new spot, titled "Two Americas: Economy," will be part of expanding its current ad buy from four state to nine states. The campaign is already up in Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Florida, and will grow to include New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada, Virginia and Colorado.

The ad lists what it says will be the negative consequences of Clinton's economic policies -- "middle class crushed," "taxes go up" -- before declaring: "It's more of the same, but worse."

The spot then shifts to praising Trump's plan, saying "millions of new jobs" will be created, wages will go up, and small business will "thrive." "The American dream: Achievable," the narrator declares.

Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP nominee, lost eight of those nine states Trump is targeting (the exception being North Carolina). The latest polls show Trump trailing Democrat Hillary Clinton in many of those battlegrounds as well -- and Clinton and her allied super PAC have already pulled ads from Virginia and Colorado in a sign of confidence. Nevertheless, the Trump campaign is optimistic that time remains for a turnaround, a position buttressed by the new ad buy.

Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller told CNN, "Mr. Trump is going to win this race. His positive message of economic opportunity is working, and we see the national and battleground state polls all moving in the right direction. With Hillary Clinton off the campaign trail yet again this week and continuing to take many communities' votes for granted, we see this as the right time to show voters the benefits of an American economy under the leadership of Mr. Trump."
