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Watch Obama sing 'Happy Birthday' to Malia

Story highlights
  • President Barack Obama's oldest daughter Malia Obama turned 18 on Monday
  • "It's a job of a father to embarrass his daughters. I've got one last job," Obama says

Washington(CNN) President Barack Obama publicly wished his oldest daughter Malia Obama a "happy birthday" on Monday, as she turned 18 on Independence Day.

"It's a job of a father to embarrass his daughters. I've got one last job," he said during his Fourth of July party at the White House before singing the "Happy Birthday" song.

Obama sounded a little hoarse and his voice cracked as he started singing, sounding like he was getting over a cold.

While he was singing, Malia came on stage to hug her father.

President Barack Obama hugs his daughter Malia on her birthday during an Independence Day Celebration for military members and administration staff on July 4, 2016 in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC.

The President shared the stage with musicians Kendrick Lamar and Janelle Monáe, who performed at the Obamas' Fourth of July party at the White House which will be their last.

Obama's has sung publicly at several points throughout his presidency, including more somber events such as a eulogy for South Carolina Rev. Clementa Pinckney in 2015, as well as more light-hearted function, such as when he did his best Al Green impersonation to sing "Let's Stay Together" while at the podium for a campaign event in 2012.

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