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Clinton spokesperson: Sanders has 'slogans, empty solutions'

(CNN) Hillary Clinton's campaign spokesperson defended his candidate's poll numbers -- amid a rise from primary opponent Bernie Sanders -- and slammed the Vermont senator for having "a lot of slogans, a lot of empty solutions."

Brian Fallon, the spokesperson, suggested in an interview Wednesday morning on "New Day" on CNN that Sanders' candidacy could not hold up to intense scrutiny over the course of the 2016 campaign.

"Bernie Sanders has a lot of slogans, a lot of empty solutions that I think are coming under challenge now that he's had to put the details out," he said.

Clinton's spokesperson continued, "Quite frankly, [Sanders] has gone through the last seven months of the campaign without any scrutiny being applied. I think that is starting to change now based on tightening of the polls, and as that happens, you actually seem some of the details of his health care plan being questioned."

When presented with polling showing that Clinton is viewed as the least honest candidate by likely New Hampshire Democratic voters, Fallon attempted to reframe the numbers as proof of Clinton's resilience.

"We have 15 some odd Republicans whose job they think, to make themselves seem palatable to Republican voters, is to go after Hillary Clinton the harshest."

Arguing for Clinton's electability, he added, "I think that those numbers are a testimony to the fact that she has been through the ringer in terms of Republicans targeting her."

Sanders has increasingly stepped up his attacks against Clinton in recent days.

On Tuesday night, Sanders poked at Clinton's speaking fees and defended his experience.

"By the way, without naming any names, Goldman Sachs also provides very, very generous speaking fees to some unnamed candidates," Sanders told the crowd in Carroll, Iowa. "Very generous. Now I know that some of my opponents are very good speakers, very fine orators, very smart people, but you gotta be really really, really good to get $225,000 a speech. That's all I'll say."

CNN's Elizabeth Landers contributed to this report.